i'm working on a Workflow which is basicly cloning a VM and after that doing some GuestCustomization via the GuestSpecification.
I'm at a point where i want to 'catch' the VcCustomizationSucceeded - Event (if i'm correct here)
i see in the vsphere Client in the "Events" of the cloned VM 2 Events.
- 1 is saying that guestcustomization is starting
- 1 is saying that the guestcustomization is finished.
So my Idea was, that I use in the Workflow the "Waiting event"-element.
This elemnt requiers a Trigger - but how do I setup the Trigger?
i was looking arround and found somewhere VcEventManager-Class with a 'createTrigger' Method - yay
but hell i have no clue how to set the correct parameters. Ok the parameter 'timeout' is easy - but how do I tell that method that I want the event from my clonedVm with that special Event?
Maybe someone can help me please.