Hi all,
Is there a way to NOT execute actions, which are set on the presentation layer, at the start of a workflow?
On our provisioning workflow contains a step where we select the cluster to build the vm on. Once that has been selected all other required objects will get calculated automatically.
That means in the next drop-down you get now a list available of all hosts which are members of that selected cluster. We do the same with the networking and all the datastores we use for a vm.
All the actions are mainly bound to the “Predefined list of Elements”, “Data Binding” and “Default Value”
The problem is that when I start the workflow I get, for sure, a lot of error messages in the log file because I have not selected a cluster at this stage. Also it takes some time until the presentation layer will be shown.
Is that anything I can do to avoid running all those actions which are bound to the presentation at the start of the work flow? And just let them run when I selected a cluster object?
Thanks a lot!