Hi all,
I have some questions about the vCO Web View,
I want to create a simple provisioning Portal but I'm not very familiar with JSP, JSON, OGNL...but i try to create a web view for my needs.
First of all are there any further documents then the "Developing Web Views for VMware vCenter Orchestrator"? (How the objects are constructed, for example the VirtualMachine(get numCPU or memoryMB) I only found the attributes name, id and state)
Now my Problem,
i want to use the ListPane do display the VMs owned by the current user, so i wrote an action in the Orchestrator which fullfill my needs. But i have problems to call it if i only use attributes as actionparameter the action delivers the vms but i want to use the current user (page.getUsername() ) as actionparameter for the action.
(can i run queries from the Web View to a database?)
Thank you
(im using the vCenter Orchestrator 5.5)