Facing issue while extending Notification package by adding new workflow.
I am trying to extend Notification package by adding new workflow for handling Import OVF as vApp or vApp template in catalog, my new workflow takes following input parameters
Input Type
- vApp vCloud:VApp
- vAppTemplate vCloud:VAppTemplate
- user vcloud:User
- blockingTask vCloud:BlockingTask
I created a notification subscription and associate newly developed workflow to it also started subscription listener by executing respective workflows, when I upload OVF for creating vApp from OVF or upload OVF to create vApp template in catalog from VCD. Respective blocking task "vApp Template - Upload vApp Template" initiated and my newly developed workflow get called. Everything seems working except iput parameter user vCloud:User object not found, I compare my workflow with other notification workflows but I could not able to figure it out is wrong or I a m missing.
Please help me to resolve this issue.
-- AVR