We use Orchestrator 4.2.1 build 555
We have created a few Worklows for letting users create snapshots for VMs that they manage. (The option is disabled in vCenter)
The users will have to go to a portal where they can request a snapshot for their VM.
On the portal they have to fill out a form with their username + password for vCenter.
This portal uses the API of Orchestrator to start a Workflow.
This Workflow will start a "Search-VM" workflow with the users credentials.
So that this workflows only sees the VMs that the user manages.
But the execution time (+- 1min) of this Workflow is really slow.
This is because Orchestrator needs to log in to vCenter with this account.
If I open the Orchestrator Client and run the same Workflow it only runs for 1-2 seconds, because it uses my existing connection and will not need to log in to vCenter again.
Is there an alternative solution for this problem?