I am a newbie here working with vCO. I am working on VM deployment workflow that starts with gathering some General information (server contact, email, etc) followed by specific VM Information (i.e. web/application/db as well as environment). The latter (VM information) is input by prompting the user for the type of system they wish to deploy iterating each time based on the number of VMs requested (with a counter - counter = numVMs). I am attempting to pass these information to an attribute of type "array/string" (the input of the type of server is "string") so i can later call the "Clone VM" for each VM input in the array. The rest of the information is passed in the same manner to the array attributes (environment, operating system, etc).
So far i have tried many variations to populate the array but it doesnt work. What this means is that every time i try to update the attribute that holds the VM type array with an array member (array[i] = whateverstring;) I get a "object error". For what i understand it has to do with the string to object type but i'm not 100%. I also tried using the "VcArrayUpdateOperation" object but i'm not sure how it works (i guess there is a specific way of doing this but no concrete examples). Can someone please shed some light on this?
Thanks in advance!